Add, change and delete dog's schedule

Jojna Support

Last Update 19 jam yang lalu

Under My Dog is the Schedule feature where dog owners can add, change or delete the dog's schedule. Dog owner can create a schedule for a single day or choose to repeat the same schedule for several days.

Enter schedule for the days that the dog needs dog daycare. The days that the dog does not need dog daycare, no schedule is specified.

Tap + to add schedule.

Select the day and time for starting the schedule.

Select the end time for the schedule.

Select Done or Repeat the same schedule times for other days.

When you choose to repeat the schedule, you specify which days of the week this schedule should apply to.

Then you choose the day on which this schedule should end.

You can also choose to add the same schedule for all your dogs if you have several dogs in the app.

If you want to change or delete a schedule, tap the day in the list of schedules.

Tap Delete to remove the schedule.

Tap Edit (the pencil at the top right of the page) to change times. 

Select Done.

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